Funding for DPOs
Disability Rights Fund
The Disability Rights Fund (DRF) seeks to strengthen the participation of Disabled Persons’ Organizations (DPOs) in the advancement of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at country level in the Global South and Eastern Europe/former Soviet Union. The 2009 “Raising Our Voice” grant cycle will consist of two grantmaking rounds:
1. The first grantmaking round (described below) is directed to DPO activities in the following three countries: Mexico, India and Ukraine. The deadline for applications for this round is Thursday, 16 April 2009 at 24:00 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
2. The second grantmaking round will be publicized in July 2009 and will encompass grants to seven target countries including Bangladesh.
Applicants can apply within one of two categories: a) single organizations or partnerships and b) national DPO coalitions. Single organizations or partnerships can apply for grants ranging from USD 5,000 to 30,000 to: (1) build voice and visibility through (a) more inclusive organizations or partnerships that increase DPO skill in addressing the CRPD; and/or (b) internal capacity building that increases DPO skill in addressing the CRPD; and (2) rights based advocacy and monitoring through (a) increasing DPO participation in decision-making processes regarding the CRPD at state or local levels; and/or (b) directly addressing implementation of CRPD Articles. Download the DRF Request for Proposals for Grants between USD 5,000 and 30,000. (Word) Download the Grant Application Form for Grants between USD 5,000 and 30,000. (Word)
National DPO coalitions can apply for grants ranging from USD 30,000 to 70,000 to work on: ratification of the CRPD, passage of specific legislation to accord with the CRPD, or the production of a shadow report. Download the DRF National Coalition Request for Proposals here. (Word) Download the National Coalition Grant Application Form here. (Word)
DRF will make grants to organizations and projects that demonstrate a clear ability and commitment to contribute to the advancement of the human rights of persons with disabilities. Grants will provide one-year, project-
Deaf Child Worldwide
Deaf Child Worldwide is an international development agency of the National Deaf Children's Society in the UK.
Since 2002, Deaf Child worldwide has supported organizations working to help deaf children overcome the barriers that contribute to their poverty and isolation and to have an impact on the lives of deaf children, their families, service providers and policy makers by establishing quality partnerships with locally-based organizations.
Deaf Child Worldwide opens its 8th round of Small Grants Program (SGP) on 19 March 2009 and ends 30 May 2009. Projects are being funded up to 3 years, and up to £30,000 in total (£10,000 per year).
The SGP supports projects which show clear, measurable and sustainable improvements to the lives of deaf children and their families in developing countries. Deaf Child Worldwide believes that families should have access to all the skills and information they need to support their deaf child. This contributes to improving communication and reducing isolation.
Through SGP, Deaf Child Worldwide aims to raise families’ awareness and knowledge of deafness and their role in their deaf child’s development. Activities which build families’ capacity to communicate with and support their deaf child’s language, social and emotional development are crucial to achieving this aim.
Deaf Child Worldwide also aims to develop and produce culturally sensitive and quality educational and information material for literate and illiterate parents. We want parents to be in a position to help their child to develop communication skills and to make informed choices on the best available communication approach for their child. For Application format and guidelines please visit: or mail to
Self-Help Initiatives: A key to empowerment of
People With Disabilities in Bangladesh
Self-help initiative is one of the most important means of empowerment of People With Disabilities (PWDs). It’s an effort of changing situation by utilizing own resources and potentials. PWDs’ self-help initiative is a group solidarity which enables them to support each other and to overcome common difficulties through the exchange of experiences, information, insight and knowledge. That solidarity and mutual support serve as a basis for collective action to improve the existing situation of PWDs in the community. In Bangladesh, we have got experiences of implementing self-help initiatives in diverse modalities. It has been taken at different levels by different stakeholders including PWDs and parents. Though the modalities of such initiatives are little bit different from one another based on the needs and circumstances, but the objective is common: empowerment of PWDs through establishing their rights.
Importance of Self-help initiatives:
It is an established fact that PWDs have their equal rights, similar human needs and potentials as others living in the community. But they had been increasingly continued to be marginalized because of their lack of wider participation in the mainstream development and decision making process. As a result issues of self-help initiatives of PWDs have come forward and getting stronger day by day. As PWDs are the expert of their own issues they are most appropriate and equipped to help each other for the fulfillment of their rights and development needs, as well as making others to listen to their voices and concerns.
In recognition of this fact
• In 1982, The United Nations General Assembly, in its World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, stressed on the establishment and growth of organizations of disabled persons as well as facilitating participation of PWDs and their organizations in the decision making.
• In 1987, a regional expert seminar called upon the ESCAP secretariat, ESCAP members and associate members and other concerned agencies and organizations in the Asian and Pacific region to provide assistance in establishing and strengthening self-help organizations of disabled persons in order to enhance the participation of disabled persons at all levels of society.
• In 1988, the General Assembly, through its resolution 43/98, requested the Secretary-General to, inter-alia, promote and support the establishment of strong national organizations of disabled persons. The UN Standard Rules, articulated, ‘States should recognize the rights of organizations of persons with disabilities to represent persons with disabilities at national, regional and local levels. States should also recognize the advisory role of organizations of persons with disabilities in decision-making on disability matters’.
• In 2002, self-help organizations of persons with disabilities and related family and parent associations came up as the topmost among seven priority areas of actions in BMF, intended for the decade 2003-2012 in the Asian and Pacific region.
• And in September 2006, at a mid point review meeting on BMF this priority kept with same importance for the rest years of the decade, in Biwako plus five. Therefore, implementation of self-help initiatives of PWDs has got utmost importance for empowerment of people with disabilities globally and regionally.
Emergence and approaches:
If we look through the emergence of PWDs’ self-help initiatives in Bangladesh we will find a history of more than four decades. Since 1963 we have been experiencing self-help initiatives in different modalities and approaches that include Disabled Peoples’ (self-help) Organizations (DPOs), parent associations and self-help group/peer group activities. PWDs’ self-help initiatives in Bangladesh were pioneered by some dedicated leaders with hearing and visual disability, professionals and parents. In the course of time a large number of people with disabilities from different levels and categories have come forward towards strengthening this movement.
Self-help initiatives have been taken up by PWDs’ Self-help Organizaitons in different communities on different perspectives. Therefore approaches and modalities were sometimes different from one another though the purpose was same, strengthening self-representation, participation and integration of PWDs in the mainstream. There remains some variation in defining DPOs from organization to organization in terms of composition (percentage/ratio of PWD members), combination and representation (representatives of CWDs, PWIDs and PWH&SDs).
Trend and Practices:
PWDs’ Self-help endeavors were initiated in the country in early sixties through the formation of Bangladesh National Federation of the Deaf (BNFD) in 1963 and National Federation of the Blind (NFB) in 1964. Those organizations were mainly comprised of deaf and blind people respectively.
Bangladesh National Federation of the Deaf (BNFD) comprised of majority number of deaf men and women. It is governed by an elected body. Deaf People tend to practice a democratic culture within this organization. Major activities of this organization include promotion of education and vocational training for deaf people and to promote their sports and cultural activities. Deaf members of this organization have got their strong feelings of affiliation and belongingness to this organization because they have got their united voice on their own issues of awareness, advocacy, rights, dignity and empowerment through it. They feel much comfortable and friendly within the environment of this DPO.
National Federation of the Blind-NFB, as a pioneer Disabled Peoples’ Organization of the country has significant contribution towards consolidating disability movement through the promotion of rights, participation, education and other concerns of PWDs of the country. NFB comprised of blind members and sighted associates. In its Central Executive Committee (CEC) four sighted associates including the Treasurer contributes in an inclusive approach.
In 1985 Bangladesh Protibandhi Kallyan Samity (BPKS) emerged as a cross disability self-help organization in the country. It promotes disabled peoples’ organizations (DPOs) at grassroots level through an approach `Persons with disabilities’ Self-initiatives to Development (PSID)’. Through this approach BPKS organizes people with disabilities at grassroots levels and contributes for the promotion of accessibility, participation, capacity building and issues of the rights of PWDs. Through the efforts of this organization DPOs have been promoted in 29 districts of the county. This organization comprised of PWDs of all categories and governed by a participatory process.
Action on Disability and Development ADD, a UK based organization started working in Bangladesh In 1995-96 to bringing people with disabilities in to development work who are rarely included. ADD promotes an action oriented, and rights based approach in the country through the promotion of socio-cultural and political rights, accessibility and participation. It organizes and promotes Grassroots Disabled Peoples’ Organizations. Now it has been working in 23 districts of the country.
Despite all these there remains a good number of organizations working for people with disabilities in the country those have been organizing self-help groups/peer groups of people with disabilities, parents, children and women with disabilities. These groups have also been playing significant roles in the promotion of rights and dignity of people with disabilities in Bangladesh. These organizations have been playing a catalytic role in the promotion of PWDs’ self-help organizations in the country. Among such organizations Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed-CRP has played an encouraging roles to empower PWDs by their own organizations. CRP is the largest Center for treatment and rehabilitation of persons with physical (spinal injured) disability. CRPs effort was to organize those PWDs who have got treatment from this center and living in the community. Initially it organized peer groups (local action groups) of people with disabilities and after that they were organized under their own self-help organizations so that they can have their own legal entity and organized strength.
Parents’ Initiatives:
Initiatives by the parents are still insignificant in the country in comparison to others. In 1977, some parents who were having a lot of trouble and agony with their children with unusual behavior, initiated a parents’ organization ‘Society for the Care and Education of the Mentally Retarded Children (SCEMRC)’ with the view to contribute for establishing equal rights of the intellectually disabled and to create provision for education training and rehabilitation of their intellectually disabled children; and to develop skilled manpower for working with the intellectually disabled.. The name of this society was later on changed to SCEMRB and now Society for the Welfare of the Intellectually Disabled (SWID) Bangladesh. This organization pioneered inclusive education for students with intellectual disability and working through 44 branches over 37 districts of the country.
In 1985 there was another parents’ initiative through which `Bangladesh Parents’ Club of the Deaf (BPCD)’ was established, in order to extend mutual support and cooperation for the development and welfare of their deaf children. BPCD promotes education and vocational training for deaf children. It is also carrying out marriage counseling for deaf boys and girls to bring them into their own (conjugal) family life. Nowadays there are some other initiatives by the parents of autistic children and organizing mothers’ club is in the process.
Some impact in the country context:
Disability movement in this country was based on charity approach until mid fifties. This charity approach was changed to welfare approach in late fifties (1956-57). At that time there were only few organizations of disabled people (DPOs) in this country and a very small number of people with disabilities had their scopes to talk about disability and disabled people. Thus the then PWD leaders had brought this movement forward and led it towards a rights based approach that we talking about today. The then leaders with disability through their self-help initiatives contributed towards organizing worldwide advocacy campaign for disability movement. As an impact of the activities of DPOs a large number of development NGOs have given attention to this issue and were motivated to contribute to this issue simultaneously with other disability organizations and DPOs and this issue got an impetus for mainstream development.
As the most significant impact of self-help movement in this country we have got our National Policy and legislative tools and instruments for the rights of PWDs.
Future Challenges and Consolidation:
Self-help organizations were established here by a spontaneous process even under restricted conditions in terms of resource availability, common understanding and proper coordination. Apart from National Disability Forum, NFOWD, spontaneous emergence of `National Alliance of Disabled Peoples’ Organizations (NADPO)’ having 66 members and National Grassroots Disabled’ Organization (NGDO)’ having 92 member organizations clearly indicates that coordinated efforts of DPOs/self-help organizations is a burning need towards empowerment of people with disabilities in Bangladesh.
In this situation there have been observed a mixed impression and keen interest among PWDs and others working on disability. Strong enthusiasm as well as distortion of understanding has also been observed among them. As the self-help organizations of people with disabilities has got utmost importance to promote rights, dignity and an inclusive society for all there remains a strong need for proper information, communication and consolidation of all self-help endeavors. At the same time there remains a good number of organizations that have been making their worthy contributions to promote self-help groups and organizations. consolidation of each and every such initiative through sharing of experiences, exchange of resources and information and establishing a coordination mechanism at local, national and regional level will strengthen PWDs’ self-help initiatives within this region by many times. Therefore a baseline status paper can play an important role to perceive the existing trend in this regard and to set our future course of action.
Role of AWDP:
On the backdrop of the above, Association for the Welfare of the Disabled People (AWDP), a self-help organization of people with all categories of disabled people, their parents and resource persons, focusing on information communication has taken an initiative to review the endeavors of PWDs’ Self-help efforts in the country. As Self-help Initiatives is one of the key issue of empowerment of people with disabilities it is expected that the results of the review will explore basic information of the type, modality and trends of the self-help endeavors of and for PWDs in the country and will develop a basic reference document.
Expected results of this review will include: 1. Information of the number and types of self-help organizations of persons with disabilities, DPOs and family/parent associations in Bangladesh will be available.
2. Information of current activities and approaches of SHOs, DPOs and family/parent associations will be available.
3. Information of organizational structures and good practices of SHOs, DPOs and family/parent associations of the country will be available.
4. Information of national and international concepts and understanding on self-help activities of PWDs will be available.
5. Relevant information of tasks mentioned in national and international mandates/commitments, policies, legislation and action plan on SHOs of disabled persons will be available.
6. Information of prevailing needs and gaps in self-help activities in the country will be available.
7. Information of possible areas of cooperation between SHOs and other organizations/agencies will be available.
8. Information of the measures taken to establish, operate and ensure sustainability of SHOs in Bangladesh will be available.
9. Information material/handbook on self-help endeavors in Bangladesh will available in simple Bangla language as well as in English.
AWDP strongly believes sharing of experiences and opinion on this issue will immensely benefit us to contribute towards consolidating PWDs’ self-help movement in Bangladesh as well as in other countries in this region.
Md. Mahbubul Ashraf
Coordinator, AWDP-Bangladesh
Convenor, Self-help Initiatives Thematic Group, Member, ICT Thematic Group, National Disability Forum, Bangladesh
Freelance Development Activist on Disability Information and Communication
Tel: 8650528, 01712184642